August 10, 2004

Summertime and the Livin’s Easy

Filed under: General — @ 11:06 pm

Working 40 hours a week during the summer kills me. I’m seriously considering teaching just to get summers off because it’s just too nice outside to be in an office. Being independently wealthy would be another option for having summers off, another option that I’m seriously considering.

So today I took some time off work to go climbing and swimming with Brian. He’s a little more committed than I am in that he went into work at 6 am so that he could get off early. I’d much rather work late some other day to make up for it. I left work at 3 pm, picked Brian up and we headed for exit 38 on I-90.

If you take exit 38, turn right at the end of the ramp and keep driving until you pass under the freeway again you’ll find a dirt parking lot and a gate that I think the forest service maintains. Walk in a little ways and there’s a bridge over a nice stream that you can jump off of. Underneath is a rope swing. We jumped off the bridge and swam around a little before heading up the trails to go climbing.

I led three climbs on this trip, the most leading I’ve done in an outing. I took my first lead fall today! It wasn’t bad at all. I was only a few feet above a bolt trying to find a way to pull myself over a bulge. Falling did unnerve me a little anyway and I led the rest of the route slowly. I fell on a 5.9 but led a 5.10- right after that. I’m pretty pleased that I’m leading close to the level that I’m comfortable climbing at on top rope. Leading harder routes is a whole different aspect of climbing. It feels quite a bit different from just top roping the same route. There’s a lot more to consider so there’s a lot more thinking involved.

We decided to hike back before it got dark, especially since Brian is going to be going out climbing with people the next two afternoons and doesn’t want to overdo it. We stopped by the rope swing for one more quick dip and then drove home. Days like this with beautiful weather, sun, mountains, trees, streams and climbing seem so wasted in an office. Being out in nature renews something inside me. I feel a cheesy but appropriate quote coming on…

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like falling leaves. John Muir Sierra Club Founder

Couldn’t have said it better myself.


  1. This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

    Comment by Anonymous — August 11, 2004 @ 8:15 pm

  2. whoo-hoo! congrats on the 5.10 lead. i think that’s super cool.

    Comment by Anonymous — August 12, 2004 @ 9:46 am

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