August 15, 2004

Mariners Win Yankees Lose

Filed under: General — @ 10:23 pm

My parents came to Seattle this weekend to see the Mariner game. They picked a good game to see. The Mariners were up to their usual shinanigans of leaving runners stranded most innings, commiting offensive and defensive errors and completely relying on Ichiro to provide defense and offense. Then in the bottom of the 7th they managed to score 6 runs to seal the game.

My parents showed off their new Subaru Outback. Our whole family owns Subarus now. They’re just such great cars, especially if you like to get out of the city. After dropping off my mail and some gifts from Aunt Sue, the parents left right after the game since they had a long drive home and it was already late afternoon.


  1. I still don’t know what a blog is, but WHO are those GOOD looking people in this picture!?

    Comment by Martin — August 23, 2004 @ 7:43 pm

  2. “So yeah, I’m a big computer nerd with a gmail account
    and a blog. I’m people are really just jealous.” -Matt

    Yes, yes you are.

    Comment by Anonymous — August 24, 2004 @ 12:07 pm

  3. Matt, this is the first I’ve heard of gmail. I’ll be a show-off at work when I use it in a sentence.

    Comment by Martin — August 24, 2004 @ 12:55 pm

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