September 15, 2006

Two Weeks on Nothing but Linux at Home and Loving it

Filed under: Technology — mmrobins @ 10:31 pm

So far there’s nothing I really miss from Windows, thanks in large part to the help frum I haven’t dealt with finding a replacement for Microsoft Money yet and will have to soon. Gnucash sounds like it’ll work, but it really does look uglier than Money, not that it’s toooo important for a simple finance program.

I was really impressed that I was able to find a program called VueScan that supported my dimage scan dual iv so that I could scan all my photos. It seems to work even better than the program for windows that came with the scanner.

My only complaint so far is that FLAC files didn’t play on Amarok. I found an updated version of libxine on somebody’s web page that fixed it. I’m absolutely loving Amarok though. That’s easily the best music player I’ve ever used.

I’ve got a computer running Ubuntu at work now too. I’m slowly tring to move everything over there too, but it’s a lot harder when everything around you is Microsoft, from Active Directory to Exchange to Project.

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