July 9, 2006

Rafting the Wenatchee

Filed under: General — mmrobins @ 4:50 pm

Saturday Kim and I took Kim’s parents, met up with Jesse and Deborah, and did some rafting on the Wenatchee River near Leavenworth. We went with Osprey Rafting. Our guide’s name was Billy, a semi-crazy sounding, 22 year old. He had some cool tatoos and mentioned he had already had 2 brain surgeries, I think he said he had also had cancer, and he seemed to like extreme sports. We went over the basics since it was everyone’s first time rafting except for Jesse and me, then we went through our first rapid and dumped a lady who was in our raft.

We stopped right after that for lunch, ported the rafts around a dam, and got back to it. Jesse and I paddled in front, and Kim and Deborah took turns riding in the front of the raft as our figureheads. All the rapids except the first were after lunch. There were some fun class III’s, but even Kim said she didn’t think it was as scary as she thought it was going to be. Probably good I didn’t freak her out too much on her first trip so that I can get her to go on bigger rapids with me later. Of course, we’re a little late in the season for big rapids, but I think it was a good level for Kim’s parents who had a good time but were pretty exhausted by the end. I was too, but had enough left in me to do the three hour drive home after we had some Italian food in Leavenworth.

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