April 29, 2006

Meditating Again Harder Than Expected

Filed under: General — mmrobins @ 1:28 pm

I used to meditate regularly for a few months and I just seem to remember how good it felt. I forgot what a struggle it was to get to a point where I could sit down for 20 minutes at a time and turn my thoughts off. Now that I’ve started back up again I have trouble just sitting still for 10 minutes, let alone staying focused for 20.

I’m sure it’ll come back to me, but until it does maybe I need some assistance from a meditation soundtrack I used to use called Holosync. They make all sorts of crazy claims about its benefits, and it’s quite a pleasant soundtrack, but even after using it for a few months I’m dubious. I wish I had an EEG to measure my brain waves and see how much a different Holosync made. I’ve even considered building my own with designs from the Open EEG Project. Has anyone else tried holosync?

1 Comment »

  1. If you try to make an EEG then let me know. I’d be interested in helping out.

    Comment by Brian Alexander — May 2, 2006 @ 4:36 pm

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