January 12, 2006

I’m Lost for Lost

Filed under: General — mmrobins @ 2:09 pm

I have a confession: I’m addicted to this frickin Lost show.  I got one disc from Netflix to see what all the fuss was about, and next thing you know I’ve bought the first season and am downloading the second off Itunes.  In a way it’s a great show with all it’s mystery and character building, and in a way it hate it for always leaving me with more questions and wanting more.  I haven’t had a show that I really looked forward to watching every week since I was in junior high.  I wish I had gotten into it a little later so that a few more seasons were already out on DVD and I didn’t have to wait.


  1. How do you like downloading from iTunes? I’ve never done it but I’m interested in Apple stuff because I have some of their stock.

    Comment by Brian Alexander — January 13, 2006 @ 12:44 pm

  2. Lost is pretty freaking cool. I’ve watched the first season on DVD but haven’t seen much of the second. I like getting whole seasons at once on netflix too. Having to wait a whole week for a single episode drives me crazy. But that is probably what makes the show interesting. The anticpation of each episode and wondering what the hell is going on. If you knew you would find out the answer by watching the next episode on the next dvd it just wouldn’t be as interesting.

    Comment by sivart — January 15, 2006 @ 9:14 pm

  3. Downloading from Itunes is okay. The video quality isn’t that great. Honestly the stuff on bit torrent is way better. It is easy though, as most Apple stuff is.

    Comment by mmrobins — January 18, 2006 @ 8:08 pm

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