August 1, 2005

Company Picnic

Filed under: General — mmrobins @ 6:13 am

We went to my company’s picnic yesterday at the Point Defiance Zoo – for about an hour. It was a terrible experience: traffic was horrendous, the food was gone by the time we got there, bud was the only beer, and the exhibits were a little depressing. It was nice to see a few work people, but most KJ folk weren’t around anyway. Kim tried to make the best of it, but I was fed up and after staring at the depressing, smelly penguin habitat for a few minutes, we left.

Jacob was supposed to have his boat out on the water, but by 7 PM he still didn’t. We waited around for him anyway and then went out for a little while he and Waleska went tubing. We were going to meet Sarah and go to the Capitol Hill block party, but Sarah didn’t get out of her conference activities until late and I started to not feel so hot, so we got a movie and went home.

Today I’ve spent most of my day working on this new site and playing Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat with Kim.

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