January 7, 2005

Dinner Party

Filed under: General — mmrobins @ 5:51 pm

Kim and I had presents to give our friends for Christmas that we never got around to distributing before Christmas, so we threw a dinner party last night. We made spaghetti with cheese, sauce and garlic bread. Anna, Phil, Travis, Jacob, Waleska, Preson, , Patrick, , Bridgid, Gabe, and Brian were all there. We almost all fit around our dining room table when we put the three leaves in! After eating we pass out Chinook Books that we got for everyone. It’s an environmentally friendly coupon book that supports local businesses, similar the Entertainment book if you’ve heard of those. Then everyone just enjoyed hanging out and talking. It’s harder now that we’re out of college to get big groups of people together. For that matter it seems harder to get people to do things period. Oh well, it was a fun night.

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