September 11, 2004

The Ministry O Truth Is Online

Filed under: General — @ 11:53 pm

I swear all the best internet names are already taken. The hardest part of setting up this new political blog was finding a name that someone hadn’t already registered. There’s so many people who just register a name because they can and then never use it. It’s exasperating, but what can you do?

So anyway, the new political blog is up and running at There’s very little in the way of content right now, but that’s something that everyone can help me remedy. I’m planning on soon posting on the topic of why the major news media isn’t doing their job and what to do about it. There’s something called a tagboard on the left side of the page that will allow people to discuss in general what topics should be addressed and who would like to address them. It’s even possible that in the near future I will be purchasing a domain name and some web space so that PHP, Perl and other web scripts can be run more easily and so that the site can have it’s own email addresses, but for now I’m just going to use the free and easy to setup blogspot address.

I’d like to thank my friends Brian and Travis for being the first to agree to contribute to this endeavor. They’re both very intelligent, knowledgeable and concerned with the current state of politics, something that’s a rare and admirable trait in our often apathetic age group.

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